Quick Info
- I lead the Intelligent Interactive Systems Group at Harvard. Our group’s page has more information about our current research directions.
- I am on sabbatical through June 2025 and I rarely check email.
- I plan to attend the ACM IUI conference in March. See you there?
- I expect to teach CS 79 in the fall of 2025 and CS 276 in the Spring of 2026.
News & Updates
We have synthesized the key advice we give when professional colleagues tell us that their organization urgently needs to adopt AI: Keep calm and carry on, with or without AI.

Hongjin presented our paper on Centering Community Organizations in Artificial Intelligence for Social Good Partnerships at CSCW’24! We also have a blog post summarizing the key points.

I gave several talks on the state of the design knowledge in human-AI interaction. There is a recording from Stanford of the first iteration of the talk (from March 2024).
Krzysztof Gajos is a Gordon McKay professor of Computer Science at the Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Krzysztof’s current interests include 1. Principles and applications of intelligent interactive systems; 2. Tools and methods for behavioral research at scale (e.g., LabintheWild.org); and 3. Design for equity and social justice. He has also made contributions in the areas of accessible computing, creativity support tools, social computing, and health informatics.
Krzysztof received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington and his M.Eng. and B.Sc. degrees from MIT. He was a postdoctoral researcher at Microsoft Research at the Adaptive Systems and Interaction group. From 2013 to 2016 Krzysztof was a coeditor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (ACM TiiS), he was the general chair of ACM UIST 2017, and he was a program co-chair of the 2022 ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. His work was recognized with a Sloan Fellowship and with best paper awards at ACM CHI, ACM COMPASS, and ACM IUI. In 2019, he received the Most Impactful Paper Award at ACM IUI for his work on automatically generating personalized user interfaces.

Drawing by Pao Siangliulue
Email: kgajos at eecs.harvard.edu
Phone: +1-617-496-1876
Office: SEC, Room 2.331
Address: 150 Western Ave, Rm 2.331
Allston, MA 02134, USA
Mastodon: @kgajos@hci.social
Bluesky: @kgajos.bsky.social
I do not currently have regular office hours.